Navajo Native American people live in the Southwestern part of the United States. The Navajo are known for their artistic
handmade jewelry and textile arts. Traditional Navajo rugs are woven on looms. Rug making is a major part of the Navajo
economy. The Navajo raise Churro sheep, sheer the sheep, dye the fleece, and spin the fleece into strands of wool. Navajo
women are highly skilled in weaving rugs.
Sand paintings are an ancient Navajo art form. Traditionally, Navajo sand paintings were also used for spiritual healings performed by a hataalii (medicine man.) The person in need of healing rests upon a large sand painting as the hataalii transfers the healing power of the sand painting to the patient. After the healing ceremony, before sunset, the hataalii erases the sand painting with a sacred feather and the patient rises to live in health and harmony.